The Twenty Miracles of Resveratrol

Note enzyme inhibition

Pre-conditions the heart and brain from damage caused by strokes and heart attacks.  Does this by raising activity of heme-oxygenase, a protective antioxidant enzyme that is usually activated after heart attacks and strokes.  This means individuals can sustain a heart attack or stroke and suffer small or no adverse consequences.

Blocks fatty acid synthase, an enzyme responsible for conversion of sugar to fat.  Resveratrol also inhibits lipase, the enzyme that helps to absorb fat from the digestive tract.
Resveratrol helps to overcome insulin-resistance, allowing insulin to enter cells to produce cellular energy, and thus reduces insulin levels in the blood circulation, and subsequently reducing hunger pangs.  (High insulin levels tell the body to obtain more calories to burn.)

Works as an anti-depressant by inhibiting the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO inhibitor). 

Inhibits the enzyme cyclooxygenase, making it an anti-inflammatory agent (COX-2 inhibitor), without the typical side effects seen with Cox-2 inhibiting drugs.  Resveratrol also lowers homocysteine, an undesirable blood protein.
Prevents blood clots, bacteria, viruses, cancer cells and cholesterol plaque from sticking to the inside wall of arteries by an anti-adhesion factor, thus preventing the spread of cancer and infection.

Eradicates brain plaque called beta amyloid, believed to be involved in Alzheimer’s disease.  It does this at very now concentrations (millions of a milligram).  Resveratrol has been shown to improve mental function of rodents.
Rescues the liver from a condition known as fatty liver despite a high fat diet or alcohol consumption.  35% of Americans have fatty liver.

Inhibits an enzyme called Hypoxia Inducing Factor 1 which impairs the ability of living cells to use oxygen for energy, forcing cells to produce energy by production of their own sugar (by fermentation).  This is exactly what happens to all cells that turn cancerous.  This was described by Otto Warburg, two-time Nobel Prize winner in the 1930s.  (Warberg Effect).

Prevents blood clots that cause strokes and heart attacks by inhibiting the enzyme phosphoinositide 3-kinase.
Activates a DNA-repair survival gene called Sirtuin 1 that mimics the beneficial effects of calorie restriction.  Produces health without having to deprive oneself of food.

Prolongs its half life from 14 minutes to a 9-hour survival in the blood circulation by conjugating with (locking onto) sulfur and glucuronate in the liver (called glucuronidation).  Then an enzyme called glucuronidase, which is produced as sites of tumors, infection and inflammation, unlocks resveratrol from glucuronate and delivers resveratrol at the right time and place.

Increases the activity of an enzyme called human endothelial nitric oxide synthase which then produces nitric oxide, an agent that widens blood vessels and controls blood pressure.

When researchers gave laboratory animals resveratrol and then tied a band around their aorta, the first blood vessel outside the heart, a procedure that makes it more difficult for the heart to pump blood and serves as a model of human heart failure, there was no thickening of the walls of the heart chambers (ventricles) and no loss of pumping action (ejection fraction). 

Resveratrol inhibits telomerase, the enzyme responsible for shortening the end caps of chromosomes.  This results in the eventual death of otherwise immortal cancer cells.
Cancer cells express a protein called survivin, that allows cancer cells to evade the immune surveillance system, survive and multiply.  Resveratrol inhbits survivin.
Resveratrol acts as an antibiotic against bacteria, and is said to exhibit strong antibacterial activity against antibiotic-resistant bacteria (vancomycin-resistant Enterococci and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Resveratrol exhibits strong action against all manner of viruses, including the herpes virus (infects 80% of mankind), influenza virus, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Resveratrol is an anti-fungal agent on the grape vine and in the human body and is active against Candida albicans.
Inhibits the effects of excitoxins like glutamate on the brain.  (MSG toxicity)

Copyright Bill Sardi 2007
Time Challenger Labs International, Inc.